Doll Review: Middle School Moguls Izzy

Congratulations to all! How are you? The new semester is approaching faster than expected and I still haven’t completed most of the assignments I set for myself during my brief studies! I’ve been shooting and editing videos for a long time, so I haven’t done a lot of doll reviews lately. I have new wallpapers that I got in September (!) And I haven’t used them yet to photograph the doll. Also, I’d like to write a review about Wonder Woman before I get back to class, but I don’t know if I’ll make it. Maybe I should relax and remember that it should be fun, not work, but since I rarely write during the course, I feel the need to “catch up”.

Today I will be looking at my third school doll Maguls, Izzy. I’ve already reviewed Judd and Sunny in previous posts, so you can check them out if you’re interested. I know some of you aren’t interested in these dolls, but since the company was very kind to send me the other three for free, I would have been rude if I hadn’t checked them all out. Then let's get started!

Izzy’s chest has the same design as other high school tycoons. We have a doll on the right and a book on the left.

We can learn more about Izzy on the back of the box. She is a digital singer of the band, social and open. She also loves to create her own hashtags and can do anything viral.

The doll finally came out of the box.

All high school emperors have the same head shape and eyes that look to the side. The prototype in Izzy’s eyes weren’t open, but I think it looks better that way. Her eyes are purple and her lips are pale pink. Her cheeks are redder than those of other dolls.

Her hair is long, wavy, purple. At one point during the production of the doll, fans were asked whether they prefer brown hair with purple highlights or just purple hair. I chose the first option because purple hair sometimes looks cheap and makes a doll look like a wig. She won purple hair and I wasn’t too happy with it, but when I opened Izzy, I thought her hair was very cute and soft. For some strange reason, the cold light part of her hair looks blue, and the part closest to the warm - purple.

With guests nearby

He also wears this black and gray hat attached to his head. The hat is filled with paper, making it very fluffy. I think the hat can use some brightly colored details.

The outfit is my favorite part, and it's absolutely amazing. Izzy wears a blue T-shirt with a mustache and draws glasses on it. It looks like a face and it’s a fun design.

She also wears a pair of black and white leggings with a Welsh finish. I like the tights, but neither the shorts nor the scarves shown in the doll design were the last doll, and I think she is a little short of her clothes.

Her shoes are the same as those of the other two girls, but instead they are painted in bright pink and white.

It also comes with black-rimmed glasses with a blue bow. This is what I like most about this doll. Aren't they beautiful?

In short, I have mixed feelings for Izzy. When she came and saw the last doll, I didn’t like it at all, but when I opened it and started taking pictures, I really liked it and I liked it more.

My biggest concern is the dressing room. It lacks some details and it doesn’t look fashionable or out of fashion. I think they wanted to give the doll a hipster look, but in the final doll you can't do without it. Although they couldn’t add all the details shown in the illustration, they could add something else, such as a multicolored tulle skirt or something similar.

All in all, I like the Maguls strip in high school, but there are a few things that can be improved here and there. Also, keep in mind that this company is releasing a collection of dolls for the first time, so it’s okay if it has damage. However, I would love to see more of this band soon.

What do you think of Izzy? Do you like tycoon dolls?


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