Doll Review: DC Super Hero Girls Poison Ivy
Hello my dear doll friends. What have you been doing all this time?
Today was a wonderful day. I spent my morning for free and went to a toy store. As usual, there weren't many new items in the Barbie section, but then Mr. Monster saw something on the other shelf: DC Super Hero Girls. Anything but Bumblebee (my favorite) և Harley Quinn. I was in Poison Ivy և Batgirl և ի eventually settled in Poison Ivy. So him!
The Superhero Girls series follows teenage superheroes who go to a special high school to learn how to control their powers. This series features the most famous DC superheroes, such as Wonder Woman. Poison Ivy և Harley Quinn are villains in DC Universe, but they're still heroes in training.
Let's start with the box. The boxes of DC Super Hero Girls are really beautiful և very resistant. You can take a good look inside the doll, it has the Super Hero Girls logo on the top right, the beautiful Poison Ivy graphics on the bottom right.
There is a photo on the edge of the box է it is really beautiful.
In the box և we can read a bit about Super Hero High և Poison Ivy.
The box on the plastic is really solid , took me a while to remove it . Finally out of the box.
Poison has an oval face, fair skin, green eyes, and pink lips. I think all DC Super Hero Girls use the same head statue , but I can't compare it to anything .
Her hair is red և slightly underlined by Him և she is really beautiful. On one side there is a small braid decorated with roses .
She wears a green jumpsuit and a chiffon dress. The dress is very beautiful և has a floral pattern. He also wears a very nice mustache belt.
Overalls without a dress themselves look very dull. And mine is not very well built.
Today was a wonderful day. I spent my morning for free and went to a toy store. As usual, there weren't many new items in the Barbie section, but then Mr. Monster saw something on the other shelf: DC Super Hero Girls. Anything but Bumblebee (my favorite) և Harley Quinn. I was in Poison Ivy և Batgirl և ի eventually settled in Poison Ivy. So him!
The Superhero Girls series follows teenage superheroes who go to a special high school to learn how to control their powers. This series features the most famous DC superheroes, such as Wonder Woman. Poison Ivy և Harley Quinn are villains in DC Universe, but they're still heroes in training.
Let's start with the box. The boxes of DC Super Hero Girls are really beautiful և very resistant. You can take a good look inside the doll, it has the Super Hero Girls logo on the top right, the beautiful Poison Ivy graphics on the bottom right.
There is a photo on the edge of the box է it is really beautiful.
In the box և we can read a bit about Super Hero High և Poison Ivy.
The box on the plastic is really solid , took me a while to remove it . Finally out of the box.
Poison has an oval face, fair skin, green eyes, and pink lips. I think all DC Super Hero Girls use the same head statue , but I can't compare it to anything .
Her hair is red և slightly underlined by Him և she is really beautiful. On one side there is a small braid decorated with roses .
She wears a green jumpsuit and a chiffon dress. The dress is very beautiful և has a floral pattern. He also wears a very nice mustache belt.
Overalls without a dress themselves look very dull. And mine is not very well built.