Doll Review: BMR 1959 redhead boy

Welcome to my blog. Today we do our first pop review of 2021. There was a time when I did pop reviews back and forth, but those days are long gone. Not only did I not buy as many toys as before, but I got tired and felt like I was getting taller. I do not hurt anyone, but while I still want to read pop reviews here and there, I no longer find blogs that only do interesting pop reviews.

Although I have not done as many pop reviews as before, there is a doll that pops up from time to time, it should take a while because it is completely unique or I have something to say. East. And I have something to say about the 1959 BMR based on my other two reviews.

BMR 1959 Redhead Ken Review

Unlike the two previous BMR dolls, I did not buy it for myself, it was a gift from the monster. I'm not sure how much he paid for it, but it was probably close to the original selling price ($ 30 or € 30) because that particular toy was apparently not for sale on Amazon . It is worth the effort? Let's wait and see.

Like the other two dolls, she comes in a shoe-shaped cardboard box with a picture of the doll. These boxes are very useful when you want to pack two street photography toys.

The doll is protected by this special tissue paper, which I think is a nice touch.

A few minutes after we removed the plastic straps, our husband was finally free.

She has light skin, red hair and a very pretty face. It uses a new format called Tate, which we now call it. Interestingly, Karlis Noera, who created these dolls, gave the sculpture the nickname "Tate" because it was her middle name. Unfortunately, Tate has been suffering from "broken facial syndrome" lately, which is very common in Mattel dolls. What became of picking up the dolls ...

Like in other rooms, I do not like the clothes it brings. He wears a black and white hat, a belt hat and bright yellow pants .

The navel looks good compared to the other two dolls I reviewed. The design is great, but the torso is too short and the sleeves are too long.

I noticed that her stomach was sewn into her pants, so her stomach did not show up when I lifted my arms.

That's what happens when you take off your pants and jacket.

Pants should be the ugliest part of a dress. For some reason, he was wearing these bright yellow sweatpants, open at the side. When Mr. Monster first saw his pants, he thought they were torn.

Do you know what these pants remind me of? In the late 1990s and early 2000s, these pants were quickly unbuttoned by a few young men at my school, and sometimes just a few. I do not know if this is a trend elsewhere.

I do not like the shoes. The front is like regular sneakers and the back is like Crocs . I was curious to see if these shoes would fit in real life and have them. Search only Nike Air Force 1 VTF .

The only thing I saw in Fanny's backpack was that the cloud was very long. I think you made it yourself so you can attach it to different parts of the body, but it's hard to hide it in photos.

Luckily, it has a blue mask that does not stick to the doll.

Now to end this review, here are my thoughts. I like the doll, for a while I just wanted to get a male doll, with long hair and a very cartoonish face. I do not like the polka dots that Mattel currently uses, especially when it comes to collectible dolls. But on camera, he does not look so scary.

The mods are not mine. I do not understand this style and I do not like the general beauty of this font, although some parts are good. The fabric feels a little better than other materials. I did not buy any Ken dolls until recently because I did not have any male dolls, so the only outfit I have is the one I borrowed from Ken's customer.

I still do not think these dolls are worth the $ 30 / euro they cost. I do not really look like a doll, but I do look like a "fashion designer". Although it comes with a pop stand and a fully functional body, I think it should cost more than $ 30. Rainbow tops sell for the same price as a pop stand, extra clothing and retail price (about $ 28, I think). I'm not sure about the quality of the dolls because they are not mine but it seems to offer more on paper at the same price. For this price, these dolls can come with additional clothing.

But despite all the problems, I refused this doll just as much as I refused a rental doll. I do not know, maybe I knew all the split face with this because my expectations were low. The last few days I have gotten close to him, he is very attractive. Overall I'm glad I finally found a male doll in the collection, but I do not think the quality of this doll is worth it. Anyway, I recommend you buy it when it's sold.

Sometimes I do not understand what Mattel is trying to do with the Barbie line. Despite their potential, experience and budget, they often fail. Made It was released in 2016 and it took 4 years to release its first Med to Move Ken, which has long been requested by collectors. They once threw a zigzag MTM doll into a blue moon and made it hard to find. Sometimes we feel like eating crumbs, and for that we have to be thankful. Make no mistake, they do some nice things (like crippled dolls), but when they do, they feel like stepping back and protecting their fans.

A third line of 1959 BMRs is expected to arrive later in 2021, but I'm really not excited about that. Anyway, I'm more interested in the upcoming series of Zigzag dolls. I have sturdy toys that donors can use if their prices are not too high. Who do you know? 2021 could be the year that Mattel finally starts listening to his fans.

Thank you for reading my review here. Sorry I got a little confused at the end, but that's how I feel about Mattel lately. I want to know your opinion about this doll and especially about this line. Do you understand?

My next article should be in early March. Maybe another set of photos when I try to post photos on February 1st. It gives me time to work on another craft because it takes the most time. So, in mid-March, we can expect another craft project.

So what do you think of this guy? What do you want to see from Mattel?

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