Doll review: Barbie Made to Move (A.A.)

Good morning! What have you done? After a week off, it's time to get back to work which means you may not be able to post anything in the future . However, I just opened a puppet account on Twitter and you can send me a message there .

Today, in my 50th blog post , I present to you one of the new Barbie Made to Move Dolls, the most Barbie possible. These dolls have more contrast points, which allows the dolls to look better.

So Matheel went on to take the joints off many Playlin dolls, such as the Fashionista dolls or the Style Lux dolls, but later came up with a new body with 22 points. Anyway, at least I didn't go downstairs without explaining first. But hey , let's start the review!
They come in these open boxes designed for moving dolls. The bottom of the box contains a series of images designed to move dolls that perform a variety of functions.

On the back of the box is a photo of each of the dolls in this wave. I really like Leah's Asian face.

Once the plastic is removed, we can see the doll better. I think the way the box is attached is that the doll is jumping.

It's out of the box here.

He has a beautiful face. I still don't like her name because I use the shape of Asha's head, although I don't think that's her name. I love the combination of her skin with her hair.

Her outfit is basically a fitness outfit: a pair of black leggings and a pink and yellow top. Nothing fancy, but rubber can be worn alongside other clothes.

The best thing about this puppet is the new vocabulary that allows puppets to see themselves in a way that other potential puppets can't. Note the double affirmation at the elbow.

You can also do this:

You can also sit cross-legged. Her knee joints were a little stiff at first, but after a few positions she felt a little loose.

I can't wear a tracksuit, so I'll change Ashan's clothes. This dress comes in a set of two sets. Sorry I didn't take a picture before opening. I love how the pink top looks.

I have read that dolls are heavier than other beards and some clothes are not suitable, but I had no problem with the skirt or top. However, one of the shoes was very difficult to put on, but I somehow managed to reach the sandals. The shoes and bags are not very realistic, but the bright colors match the skin tone.

To wrap up this review, I'd like to point out the differences between these toys and other potential choices. Beside Style Lux Teresa, she sat cross-legged.

I don't know if they can be separated from the photo, but Asha can actually cross her legs, but Teresa's posture seems more rigid.

I am very happy with this puppet because I love not only his way of speaking but also his face. The dress is nothing special, just a gym, and the dolls are barefoot and without accessories. As I said, these dolls are a great addition to the world of Barbie, but I think this type of build can be used not only in the sports line but in other lines as well. I mean, I already have Asian red and Second Wave on my wish list. I wonder how much of this movement will be released.

What do you think of these new dolls? Which dolls do you want to see next?


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