Doll Review: Barbie BMR 1959 Curvy

And as I expected, I couldn't publish anything for about a month. The last few weeks of college have been insane. I thought I mentioned it earlier, but I signed up for an online internship at a communications company. In short, the client was not satisfied with our last job and we had to do everything again. During the last 3 weeks of school, I had to shoot a presentation video for a project. I did it and finally I have time to come here and talk about all the things related to dolls.

A few years ago, I did a lot of dummy reviews, mainly because they are the only way to contribute regularly to blog content. Eventually I got bored and thought people wouldn't find it interesting, so I stopped doing it. Now when I talk about new dolls, I try to add something extra to the post, like new backgrounds or comments on different topics. However, for this particular doll, I think I have a lot to say, so be careful, this post is going to be very opinionated.

For the uninitiated, this BMR1959 doll was released in late October and early November 2019. If you missed it, here's the announcement When I saw it, I did not like it. The clothes are very strange to me and I am quite confused. To my surprise, people love them and think they look very cool and trendy and great when I find them ... After looking at the funny outfits, I thought some dolls are beautiful, especially this one. In the end, if you don't like the outfit that comes with the doll, you can always fix it.

Why did it take me so long to get this doll? I wasn't as enthusiastic about the doll as I was about her outfit, I didn't try to find her. I saw it cost $ 30 and in my experience a doll in this price range is about € 50 ($ 55) in Spain. I wouldn't pay 50 for a doll that doesn't believe me. Also, they announced the Crystal lime doll about a month ago and I like it (see here ). They weren't available in Spain at the time, but I was waiting to spend my coins so BMR had to wait. To my surprise, the BMR1959 retail is € 30 ($ 33), this is the first time I've seen a Mattel collectible doll at the same price. It makes me want this doll more, but I'm still waiting for Crisel Limes. A few months later, Crisel Lim was not available in Spain, or I could not find any European dealer to supply it. To be honest it's a little frustrating. However, about a month ago I was browsing Amazon and found this lady for only 22. There was a chance to finally get it, and finally here.

The packaging is really nice. It looks like a shoebox made of recycled cardboard and has a nice sketch on the front. The only downside is that you can't see the doll so you don't know if you have a shaky doll. Once opened, the doll is protected by tissue paper with the BMR1959 logo. It's a nice touch.

It is attached to the box. Each BMR1959 has a different background color and is a nice sculpture that I would like to recreate for future photos.

BMR 1959 GHT94

The purple background doesn't stick to the box, so you can easily pull it out and release your doll. She's there.

At first glance I can tell you that I don't like the way her dress suits her. Anyway, I got her because I like her face. Use paget figurines, used in small and mostly collectible dolls. I don't have a doll that uses this statue, so I was thrilled to add it to my collection. I guess I'm kind of a "sculptor".

I think she's good overall, but I know her facial expressions aren't completely symmetrical. I like dark purple lipstick, I think they look very good on it.

Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail. Some parts of the hair are twisted and twisted around the elastic. This is a beautiful hairstyle. She has baby hair on her forehead, which Mattel recently did, especially in colorful dolls. Her sunglasses are sewn into her hair, which I will try to remove at some point.

Wear silver earrings. One of them recorded "BMR" and the other "1959" but I don't think it looks good on camera.

Like I said, I don't like clothes. These dolls are said to be inspired by the 90's and those who love them say that they remind them of Barbie Bennett of the 90's. The first time I saw her in person I didn't have Benetton, I had Barbie and Supreme . However, I think there is a certain 90's influence in fashion nowadays, so I agree now.

The outer shell is plastic and hard enough which is not very suitable for laying. When I saw the promotional pictures, I thought it was made of a transparent synthetic fabric. It is very painful to take it off or put it on. This is not a very good thing.

At first I didn't understand what Grandma's sofa fabric hooded dress should be. But I recently saw the current version on Instagram and got it. I don’t think this design translates well to the doll scale, it’s just not. Although I just call it "Grandma's Sofa", I like the print, it's colorful.

He was also wearing those gold boots. I like them because they are versatile but I feel like they clash with clothing.

It has the same dark skin as the purple flower pants of Made to Move dolls.

Here is my problem with this line. I don’t see them as collectible dolls, they look like “extra fashionista”. The € 30 I think is a bit expensive for what you get, but the € 22 I paid is a fair price considering it has a body to move and comes with support. Running dolls start at around $ 15- $ 18 and a few years ago Style Lux dolls cost 20. Maybe it’s just me, but I think they take more charge just to be identified as a collector. I know the price difference isn't that big, but it's something that bothers me.

Another thing that worries me is that we haven't seen a simple made-to-move doll in a long time, so I think Mattel has decided to make this body type a collection, more exclusive and heavier.

Overall I think this doll is beautiful and I'm glad I finally bought it and even happier because I bought it at such a great price. I didn’t like the outfit but I found it to fit the trend of the moment. Very ASOS, very high. I may be too old to understand this "urban" style (or whatever it may be called) or maybe I come from a different cultural background which is why I don't understand it. However, people seem to like this style, so I wonder if Mattel has considered selling a fashion package with this theme.

As for the other dolls in the collection, I think they are beautiful and if there was a big budget for my dolls I would try to get Kiras. Honestly, if money and space were not a problem, I would buy dolls in the sun. Unfortunately, since we relocated, I have reduced my budget to spend a lot of money on dolls, so I stick with the dolls I want. They recently released Wave 2 of this line and there is a red haired guy whom I think is adorable but so far the only one I want to buy.

So what do you think? Am I demanding too much? Let me know what you think about this doll line in the comments section. I always pay attention to what you said.

Hope you all are well and see you soon.

Monster craft

hp also needs a name, so any suggestions are welcome.

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