Doll furniture: the chair

Good morning! What did you do?

I was finally able to finish my place. Yes, it takes time, but it's finally here. It may not seem like a start, but I'm glad I did. Absolutely not, but I'm not that smart, so I guess I did.

How to make a doll chair

On my desk I show you a picture of a seat: two sticks. I used the top and bottom of the table to make the seats. I started drawing on paper, then copied onto a cereal box. I think I did more or less 6-8. Then I cut out the pieces and glued them together.

When everything was glued, I sanded the edges.

I cut two round eggs into the seat so that the backs and legs of the chairs stick to them.

Then I cut out wooden blocks for the legs and back of the seat. I tried to use a plus, but I used a small saw because it affected the wood. You can see the feel of the dots on the right side of the image.

Using the doll as a guide, I measured and marked the height of her legs. I then cut off the front legs to mark the height. I had nothing to catch the sticks with, so I had to ask Mister Monster to catch them. Don't worry, I didn't saw it that far on my table, I took this photo to show the type of saw I used.

I trimmed the edges of the cut wood a bit because my cuts weren't perfect.

After that, it's time to put everything in its place. This time I used PVA glue and it worked much better. You can use PVA glue with a brush, which will allow you to be more precise.

Making a chair for a doll

Now it's time to put the sticks back in place. Let's start with the next passage. To be honest, holding on to the little pieces was the hardest part for me because I didn't have a steady heart rate.

Now it looks like a chair.

The last two parts were very difficult because I had to make sure they were parallel. I dropped the first sticker when I tried to stick the second one several times...

When the glue is completely dry, it's time to paint.

Pintando con acualux mate

Painting with Acualux Mate Titan

I really like the color that I used - Aquarius from the Spanish manufacturer Titan. Water-based enamel is a hand-applied pigment that has the same look and feel as great quality.

Acualux Mate Titan Turquesa marron

And finally, the chair is completely painted. The color looks a little lighter than I expected, but I'm happy with the result.

Doll chair

When I tried on the doll, I noticed that her legs were a little longer. I have to adjust it on the seat next to me.

So what do you think? Any tips for future crafts? You have been working on something.


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