Doll furniture: the chair

Hello! What are you doing

I finally managed to finish the chair! Yes, it took a while, but finally here. It doesn’t look like I imagined, but I’m very happy with the results. It’s not perfect, but I’m not very smart, so I think I did it right.

How to make a doll chair

On my desk I show you a photo where you see a chair and two sticks. The process of making a chair is the same as the top and bottom of the table. I started by drawing on a sheet of paper and then copied it into a box of cereal. I think I did more or less 6-8. Then I cut the pieces and glued them together.

Once everything was glued together, I sanded the edges.

At the top of the chair, I cut two round pieces so that you could stick the sticks there, which will become the back and legs of the chair.

I then cut out wooden pins for the legs and back of the chair. I tried to do it with pliers, but they left marks on the wood, so I used a small saw. The picture on the right shows the marks on the dowels.

I measured and noted the height of my legs using a mannequin as a reference. Then I also noted the height of the front limbs and trimmed them. I had nothing to keep chopsticks, so I had to, because Lord Monster asked me to keep them while watching. Don’t worry, I didn’t cut so close to my desk, I just took this photo to show you what type of saw I use.

I sanded the cut edges of the wooden dowels a bit because mine wasn’t perfect.

Then it's time to set everything up. This time I used PVA glue and the result was much better. You can also apply PVA glue with a brush, which will give you more accuracy.

Making a chair for a doll

Now it's time to put in their place the smallest sticks. Let's start with the following. Honestly, I had the hardest time sticking to the smallest pieces because I didn’t have a very flat pulse.

Well, now it’s starting to look like a chair.

The last two sections were the hardest because I had to make sure they were aligned. I actually dropped the first glued piece, trying to glue the second one together several times ...

When the glue is completely dry, it's time to paint.

Pintando con acualux mate

Painting with Acualux Mate Titan

I like the paint I use, Aculux, a Spanish manufacturer of Titan. It is a water-based silk paint that contains resin similar to water-based enamel and looks very good quality.

Acualux Mate Titan Turquesa marron

Finally, here the chair is completely varnished. The color looks a little lighter than I expected, but I’m happy with the result.

Doll chair

When I tried a chair with a doll, I noticed that the legs are a bit long. I have to fix this in my next seat.

So what do you think? Are there tips for future crafts? Have you worked on something?


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