Behind the scenes: inspired by Barbie Style

If you follow my photo collection, then you know that lately I have not been particularly inspired to photograph dolls. I had some ideas here and there, but I didn't have a spark that would overwhelm me, or an oddity that would make me stop doing everything I do - painting dolls. But that changed about a week ago.

Some time ago I saw a photo on @barbiestyle that got me thinking. It was a pretty simple photo, but I thought I could recreate it or use it as inspiration for a photo shoot. I haven't been very inspired lately, so I decided to give it a try a few days ago. Below we present the photograph in question. If the embedded code doesn't work for you, you can always follow this link to the Barbie Style Instagram page .

Veresta's post on Instagram

Barbie® Shared Post (@barbiestyle)

It's not the best Barbie style photo, it's not my favorite photo, but for some reason it gave me an idea. Yes, because I noticed that the composition of the painting is quite simple. Hey, now you can see why I wanted to recreate this illustration in my last post . Remember, I'm not trying to recreate 100% duplicates, but I use them as the basis for photographs with a similar feel or atmosphere.

Before I start, I want to mention one very important thing. Photography is not easy, it is not easy for me. For every photo I posted because I liked it, I had 20 photos that I didn't find good enough. Not only for this project, but for any other photo project. Work on the project takes a lot of time, sometimes several days. I say this because I don't want anyone to be discouraged if they try to recreate this, but it doesn't work at first. It takes time և sometimes you just have to figure out what works best for you. I'm not speaking from an expert point of view, but sharing my experience of how I approach my projects.

So let's start with this guide. If you look at the photo, you will see that there are shadows that seem to glow from the window. So, in order to do this, we need to create something that casts such a shadow. For this, I use a not too big cookie jar. Cut out և use one of the sides to plan your design. I have a tattoo, but it's not very good.

I started painting at a 90º angle and from there I started to develop my own designs. I left margins 1 cm (0.39 inches) wide on the left and right. From the top, I drew lines 1.5 cm (0.59 inches) apart.

We have it. There is a little more space inside, but that's not a problem. I will cut the lines that I marked with a pencil.

Start by trimming any remaining stitches with a utility knife or scissors. If you use scissors, be sure to cover any cuts you make or they will flake off. After cutting the first with scissors, I continued with a useful knife.

Here's what we have. Don't worry if it looks rough, it won't look good on camera.

Now it's time to put up the diorama, which is quite simple. I glued white cardboard to the wall. I then covered one of the boxes of BIS 1959 with the white cloth I was given to make doll clothes for a bed. At the end, I just added a picture - a miniature plant. I use two clothespins to hold the box in place.

At first I used a table lamp, but I couldn't achieve a certain tone in the photos I took in the previous test photo. So I came to the conclusion that the light of the table lamp is too dim, so something more complicated is needed. So I came up with ideas and it's really fun to see them implement them.

It took me a while to figure out which one is best for me. I tried everything: natural light և flashlight, my own ring light of different intensity, home light ... I don’t remember what combination I used here, but I was not very pleased with the result, the pose seems unnatural to me .

I eventually found a combination of a flashlight and natural light - very soft light - at a higher temperature than my ring light than I normally use. These photos were taken during the day, from 3 to 6 pm, when the light does not hit my window so directly. It took me a while to get used to the position, it was one of the first photos I was really happy with.

I took pictures with Leah, I liked the pictures more than with Chloe.

I've noticed that my photos don't have as much contrast and crisp hue as the Barbie style photos , but to be honest, I didn't like the harder line photos. I think I'm so used to taking very bright photos that the dark ones don't look as good as the bright ones.

These are photos I took on Friday afternoon. A few days later I looked at it again եցի I tried to get some ideas that I still had in my head, և a few duplicates if they weren't very good. I developed a new network, this time trying to emulate a window.

I left a space of 1 cm between the rectangles to create the panes of glass. So I decided that I really needed to learn how to do it right. It will cut beautifully.

Here is the final result. When I finished slicing, I realized that I needed to draw the larger masters above. Also, the cuts I made are pretty messy, but we'll give it a try anyway.

It was difficult for the presenters to get on camera, so they had to scroll through the network until they appeared. I love this photo, except that the picture looks crooked because I paid more attention to the doll's face than the background.

Of all the photos taken on the second day, this photo of Victoria is one of my favorites. I managed to put the leaders on top of the photo, I like the overall composition.

In the end, I'm not sure I got what I originally wanted, but I still like some of the photos I got. I think the way to learn how to photograph dolls is to photograph dolls. It's far from perfect, but by trying something different than what I usually do, I've tried, I've learned something new. I am very pleased with the result, but there is still room for improvement. This project is part of a photo trip and not an end in itself.

I think I should mention that I have a new computer monitor, I am still getting used to the colors. It's a bit harder to edit, but using a laptop hurt my neck so badly that I had to use it. Hopefully this will figure out soon, but at the moment there may be photos that look a little "crooked".

I have a few projects this summer, including a wall that I started a few months ago - maybe I'll try to finish next time. I also want to make a street decoration for my street decoration, but I still need to buy accessories for it. In early July, I plan a photo selection և the first half of the year - goals և plans for the future.

So what do you think of this project? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section և See you in my next post.

monstrous ship

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