Behind the scenes: dolls in a pool photography

Congratulations again! The school year started a few weeks ago so I was busy but I thought I could stop and take notes quickly.

Every time I browse Instagram this summer, my news feed is full of beautiful pictures of dolls by the pool. Some were in doll-sized pools and some were sunbathing by the pool. And I just want to be photographed with my doll. But the biggest problem is that I don’t have a pool and there are no friends or friends who have a pool. So I had to get creative and build my own pool.

I recently posted some of these photos in the Instagram group իմ My Pink Lounge on Facebook. My photos received a lot of positive comments and people were very interested in how I did it. So I thought it might be a good idea to write a short post to share with you.

For weeks I was wondering how I could create a pool that looked more or less realistic. I needed a plastic bowl big enough for a doll. Then I realized I had a laundry basket big enough for an Ikea doll. I was also able to find a Primark floatie for just 1 euro. I’m not happy that it has a Minnie Mouse theme, but another cheaper theme I haven’t found.

I carry the laundry basket to my small balcony (which I mostly use for drying laundry) and fill it with water. So I put everything into the picture.

Because the “pool” is so small, most of the pictures I managed to take were close-ups. A children’s pool can be the perfect enclosure for a dollhouse pool, as it’s big enough to take pictures of from a distance. If you don’t have a children’s pool, use a blue or green plastic bowl.

I get the best effect when the sun gets on the water, I gently mix it with my hands. I put the laundry basket in the part where the ham crashed and the rest remained in the shade.

The pictures were taken on two different days. The photo was taken with Leah (brunette) on the first day and it is more experimental. Mom, who came to my house without calling me in advance, interrupted him, hoping I would be free. Why does visiting always happen at the most annoying time? The second shot wasn’t very great because I took the shot a little later, around the afternoon, because it was so hot that I could barely see the screen of my phone. Big blood also doesn’t help me take better pictures.

We also have a small teak technology booth that will destroy one of the companies I work with. It gets a little damaged from not being taken care of, but when I get wet, it darkens and looks good again. I used this to take off Leah who is relaxing.

If your deck does not have a sloping floor, you can have a table or chairs that create this effect.

This is for me today. I hope you enjoy it - it inspires you to take summer photos, even if you don’t have a pool. I know that October is not the best time of year to publish, but the good news is that you now have months to learn what you can use to create your own doll collection.

Since I was very busy in college, I don’t know if I will be able to write a new post soon. I have some photos from our outdoor shooting a few weeks ago, ուզում I wanted to write a special post for her. Let me see, will I have time? At the same time be careful!


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