Behind the scenes: dolls in a pool photography

Greetings again! The school year started a few weeks ago, so I was busy, but I thought I could go in and write a little note.

Every time I go to Instagram this summer, my stream is filled with beautiful photos of poolside dolls. Many of them wore doll-sized swimsuits and some were sunbathing by the pool. And I just want to take a picture with my doll. But the biggest problem is that I don't have a swimming pool, I don't have relatives and friends who have a house with a swimming pool. So I had to create my own swimming pool.

A while ago I posted some of these photos on my Instagram Facebook group իմ My Pink Lounge . My photos received a lot of positive feedback, people were very interested in how I made it. So I thought it would be nice to write a short note և to share it for you.

For weeks I have been thinking about how to create a more or less realistic swimming pool. I needed a large plastic container to hold the doll. And then I realized I had a red Ikea laundry basket big enough to hold a doll. I was able to find a Primark swimsuit for only 1 euro. I'm not happy that it has a Minnie Mouse theme, but I couldn't find another one at a lower price.

I take my laundry basket to my little balcony (which I mainly use to dry my clothes) and fill it with water. So I put everything in the photo.

Since the "pool" is quite small, most of the photos I was able to take were in the foreground. A kiddie pool can be an ideal container for a doll's pool, as it is large enough to be photographed from a distance. If you don't have a rowing pool, use blue or green plastic containers.

I get the best effect when the sun hits the water, I mix it gently with my hands. I put the laundry basket in a place where the blood fell in one part and the rest remained in the shade.

I took pictures on two different days. The photo with Leo (brunette) was taken on the first day, it's more experimental. This was interrupted by the fact that my mother came to my house without a preliminary phone call, hoping that I was free. Why are visits always at the most inopportune hours? The second shot wasn't very good, because I took pictures a little late, almost in the afternoon, and the blood was so hot that I could barely see my phone screen. It's not helping me take better pictures.

We also have a small interesting area of ​​two interesting wooden tiles that one of my companies is going to get rid of. It's a bit spoiled because I haven't taken care of it, but when I moisten it it darkens and looks nice again. I used it to photograph where Leon rests.

If you don't have an interesting deck cover, you can have a table or chairs that will have a similar effect.

That's it for me today. Hope you like it և it will inspire you for summer photos, even if you don't have a swimming pool. I know October isn't the best time of year to post, but the good news is you now have months to figure out what you can use to build your doll pool.

As I was very busy in college, I don't know if I will be able to write a new post soon. I have some outdoor photos that I took a few weeks ago և I would like to write a special post for them. Let's see, will I have time? Until then, be careful.


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