7th blogoversary

Today, April 24, 2020, my blog turns 7 years old. I can’t believe it’s been so many years since I came up with the idea of ​​making The Monster Crafts (it will just be Monster Crafts , but it has already been adopted). A lot has happened since then and the blog has gone in a completely different direction than I had planned.

The first attempt to use my house as a backdrop.

I started this blog, very inspired by a fellow blogger named Le Mini Case de Lola . He has built a wonderful Monster High School and board board and I have enjoyed it. I wanted to do something similar, but life had other plans for me and I didn't. Shortly after starting my blog, I started working almost full time and in September I went to college, with very little time left to work on a big project.

I initially wanted it to be a craft blog, but the truth is, I've done very little. Lack of time, space and honesty, sometimes patience puts me aside from the idea, which was very annoying because I had so many ideas that I could not get off the ground. Sometimes I struggle to find the right material. I feel that Spain does not have the "artisan culture" of other countries, although I think it is beginning to change. I hope now that I have a little more time and space, I can create more regular products.

Rosey Romper Monster Crafts blog

When I started blogging, I couldn't speak English for a few years, but I still decided to blog in English because everyone I spoke to spoke English. My first posts ... bad! I speak like a 10 year old who has just started blogging. If you've ever read this ... please don't judge me. I initially tried to learn by reading other blogs aimed at younger audiences. I feel like I've gotten better since then, but I could have done better, especially if I had read my posts before I clicked "Publish".

It seems to me that blogging is not as popular as it used to be, and there are times when I think about quitting blogging, but in the end I'm glad I didn't. Although it sounds bad, I think I grew up with this blog and will eventually miss it. I hope to continue publishing for many years and you are with me.

On the other hand, on a personal level I am doing well. I’m pretty busy at university (so this post isn’t detailed anymore), but I’m doing well so far. None of my family has been infected with the virus and so far so good. Hopefully we can leave our home in early May. I can't wait to go to my old house and finish moving.

I hope everyone is well at this amazing time. Take care of yourself.

Monster craft.

Future Updates: See the ninth blog post .

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