Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

A frame made from recycled paper!

This frame is visually stunning with many textures and bright colors! However, this concern goes deeper. It was the most boring and time consuming project I have ever done for my children. It came out amazingly, with bright colors and beautiful views… but it was a very boring project I have just started! Be careful and act cautiously!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

That's how it started. I had been planning this craft for some time and it was a great time to catch up as my husband was out of town. My 12-year-old son said, "Hey mom, can I play the devil?" And I said, "Yes, but first help me with this project."

Popular last words.

Similarly, I persuaded my 10-year-old daughter to play ... so our whole degraded family worked together. A 5-year-old boy came out and played with his heart. (Luckily) We started this adventure at 16's's 02 ... we finally finished at 20's 49. Skip Dinner Completely! Don't worry, we had Marshmallow Matt at 9 p.m. (Note: I will not do this again)

But we all survived:

Barby Island Princess Brave Frozen and part of the road to Ralph. in order to -

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY
It's a great way to reuse old magazines, kids' paper from school ... or scrap paper! We have also added asteroid paper to give a little color.

You will need: (Links)

(Reuse what you have or have it repaired in a hardware store. Think my advice a little!)
(You can use scissors ... but that still makes this project lame)
 (You can use glue ... but it still cripples this project)
  • Cooling tool or toothpaste.
 (Only one thing to roll the paper)
  • Window paint / spray paint
  • Time ... a lot. And background movies ... or audio books!

Let's get started ... that's right ... I totally convinced you to do yours !!! Hahaha start cutting the paper with half-inch strips with a paper cutter.

Cut out Astrobite magazines and papers!

Now fold all these pieces in half. Beautiful?

We started using curling tools to start curves and switched to most finger curling.

Various magazines and pieces of paper. Using a tape gun, tape on several skis ... and finally, if we are somewhat happy, stick the pad on his head.

Over and over again!

For now ... there is no turning back ... maybe an hour in the process ... we thought we were going to stretch! They were so good and we rode them! We have done 8 of these and they are beautiful! Go ahead and do them in different sizes.

And then I put them on a spray-painted frame ... Op. It will take forever to fill this void!

Do not despair! Family reunion can be fun! Everyone can sit, turn and chat ... many hands make the job easier!

I was tired of spinning, so she just twisted the ropes ... which made it easier for me to roll the already rolled sheets ... made the system as efficient as possible.

Halfway through! To another movie!

I decided to warm them up when I worked ... There is no way the tape on these things can be untied and untied!

We have also made significant progress as a result! Maybe someone is screaming now!

We recently moved to make a small sandwich to fill the gaps. But we want the color of turkey to appear, and we are sick anyway!

It's unbelievable, isn't it? ! It's really worth it ... isn't it? !

I really like the frame! I still don't know what to put in there ... What could have been all this time? Maybe a wedding photo? Maybe a diamond!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY
Sounds great. And the kids were proud of their success! It was like a craft marathon!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY
I must have painted and embellished this frame for my daughter on Mother's Day!

And the night is over!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

So what do you think ????? It was worth it! ???? Have you ever tried ????

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Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

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