Scrabble Tile Names Framed Word Art DIY

Create a Scrabble tile title using Scrabble pieces և vintage frames. The perfect handmade design for Valentine's Day or winter.

Scrabble Tiles Framed DIY Word Art:

scribble! Do you like playing Scrabble? I love this game, it's one of my favorites. I like to spell puns. However, no one likes to play with me - yes. This is the solution.

Create something special to hang at home or give as a gift. Prepare for grandparents with the names of all the grandchildren. Yours fits the Scrabble layout.

We created 3 sets of surnames ավարտ completed each of fairly quickly. I have no idea of ​​relief.

scribble! Do you like playing Scrabble? I love this game, it's one of my favorites. I like to spell puns. However, no one likes to play with me - yes. This is the solution. Create something special to hang at home or give as a gift. Prepare for grandparents with the names of all the grandchildren. Yours fits the Scrabble layout. We created 3 sets of surnames ավարտ completed each of fairly quickly. I have no idea of ​​relief.

Start drawing the best way to arrange the letters on paper. My dear friend bought a Scrabble toy at an old store to engrave a friend's surname.

Then he prepared for his family. The rest came to me ... but I did not need any letters. A simple solution!

You will need:

Scarabeo tile
Apple սպիտակ white-beige paint from the local barrel
Apple barrel dye
small brush
Frame with cardboard support
Paper cut
Hot glue / gun

Start drawing the best way to arrange the letters on paper. My dear friend bought a Scrabble toy at an old store to engrave a friend's surname. Then he prepared for his family. The rest came to me ... but I did not need any letters. A simple solution! You will need: White-beige antique tiles, scratch, paint barrel, apple barrel, paintbrush, small palette, cardboard-based frame, scrapbook paper, hot glue or gun.

Step 1. Install the parts

Start by searching in all the sections for the name you want to enter. So start playing with them and see how they fit. Surprisingly, it did not take long for me ... so I hope it works for you too.

** Tips for cheating **

If you're like me և you do not have matching letters, just scroll through the tiles and draw straight letters on them. Here is the key, its numerical value.

Step 1. Arrange the horses Start by finding all the parts of the name you want to place. So start playing with them and see how they fit. Surprisingly, it did not take long for me ... so I hope it works for you too. ** Tips ** If you are like me և do not have the correct letters, scroll through the tiles և draw the letters just above the tiles :. Here is the key, its numerical value.

Step 2. Prepare the frame

When the tiles are in place և ready to attach to the frame ... remove the glass from the frame դր insert the cut paper into the frame on a cardboard base.

Step 3. Prepare the paper

Use masking tape to attach the cut paper to the cardboard. Place the crab on the map.

Step 2. Make the frame When the tiles are in place լինեն ready to attach to the frame ... remove the glass from the frame դր place the cut paper in the frame on a cardboard base. Step 3. Prepare the paper Attach the paper cut to the cardboard with adhesive tape. Place the crab on the map.

Step 4. Paste the parts

Place all the details on a piece of paper so that it fits snugly into the frame. Then take them one by one and apply glue dots on the tile, starting from the top. Then place it on the map.

Step 4. Attach the tape Cut all the details on the paper so that it fits snugly in the frame. Then take them one by one and apply glue dots on the tile, starting from the top. Then place it on the map.

Repeat the gluing process until each letter is firmly attached.

Repeat the gluing process until each letter is firmly attached.

Hang it up where kids can see their names. Even though I have teenagers, my kids love it.

Hang it up where kids can see their names. Even though I have teenagers, my kids love it.

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Learn how to make a family tile tile art frame. Perfect winter crafts or Valentine's Day decoration. Fun և Easy DIY, ideal for home learning.

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This post was first published in Doodlecraft
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