No Tumbler Polished Rocks DIY with Envirotex Lite Resin Spray
DIY Tumblerless Polished Stones:
I love stones Every time I go for a walk or go to the beach, my pocket or purse fills me with beautiful stones. I really like that the rocks are so bright and bold and amazing when they are wet. However, when they dry out, they are matte, amazing. It's a bit disappointing.I have a stone drum, which is very good for polishing stones: for polishing. But it takes weeks ... months. The stones I found were very flat but needed a bit of a kick.
Create wet-looking shiny stones with a drying time of about 30 minutes. This technique is perfect for all holidaymakers who gather stones in the city, on the beach or in the campsite. Please do not remove stones from protected areas.
Necessary accessories.
- Flat rocks (kept close to the ocean to make them round and flat)
- Disposable and disposable work surface like a cardboard box
This resin spray can be created. It’s amazing: they all look like shiny, soft resin. Place the bricks in a box or on cardboard. Put it out in the sun.
Using a resin spray, apply a layer of resin to each stone. Pour a little into layers between 6 and 8 inches.
Then let the stones dry, apply the second layer, then the third light layer. Then flip the bricks over and repeat the process on the other side.
Let the stones dry and harden for a few days. Then put it on a plate and admire the wet view of the sea on the rocks. They are vibrant, colorful and spectacular.
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