I'm a backer! Giving support to iBesties

I wanted to make a quick Kickstarter post to let you know that I just sponsored the iBesties: Middle School Moguls project. iBesties is a collection of stylish dolls that encourage girls to become future CEOs and tech leaders. The line consists of 6 personalities, each with their own interests and talents, up to Sarah, the team's blogger, McKenna's business expert.

To learn more about iBesties, visit their website . You can also secure this project on Kickstarter . You can get a doll and an autographed copy of the book for $40, but hurry because they only have 4 days to reach their goal!

I think this project is important, although I believe in equality, there is still a lot to do. I get a lot of disrespectful comments at my job or even being asked if I can do my job like my male colleagues. I really hope that this project will make a difference and encourage young girls to be what they want to be.

What do you think about this project? do you accept them?

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