How to Make a Vintage Button Heart Frame

How to make a heart frame with vintage buttons. Learn how to make a vintage button heart frame. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Pick something up from home or do some shopping for embroidery. This is a great handmade gift, the perfect Valentine's Day or New Year's decoration that can be made as a craft for children.

How to make a heart frame with vintage buttons.

Learn how to make a vintage button heart frame. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Pick something up from home or do some shopping for embroidery.

This is a great handmade gift, the perfect Valentine's Day or New Year's decoration that can be made as a craft for children.

I love the combination of old and new. Rustic և shiny. These opposite poles are the perfect pair. This button is shiny, antique ... rustic wool, gold frame. It's so easy to do, can you believe it only takes 15 minutes? Fast business is my favorite. Some accessories করে make a very favorite decoration for Valentine's Day or any other day of the week. We can all use more love in our lives, can't we? This heart is perfect.

I love the combination of old and new. Rustic և shiny. These opposite poles are the perfect pair. This button is shiny, antique ... rustic wool, gold frame.

It's so easy to do, can you believe it only takes 15 minutes?

Fast business is my favorite. Some accessories করে make a very favorite decoration for Valentine's Day or any other day of the week. We can all use more love in our lives, can't we? This heart is perfect.

Personalize this heart as you like. Make a small decorative treasure for family members by cutting the buttons on the clothes of a dead loved one.

Use this old grandma button set to add a touch of that tradition.

Ask all the grandchildren to help you choose which stud to attach to the frame for a clever, fancy, handmade gift.

Let's get started!

I love the combination of old and new. Rustic և shiny. These opposite poles are the perfect pair. This button is shiny, antique ... rustic wool, gold frame. It's so easy to do, can you believe it only takes 15 minutes? Fast business is my favorite. Some accessories করে make a very favorite decoration for Valentine's Day or any other day of the week. We can all use more love in our lives, can't we? This heart is perfect.

Vintage Beating Heart Photo Frame Accessories.

Antique frame (or similar)
To fix the board to the frame
Cover plate
Hot glue gun

Accessories for heart frames with vintage buttons. Particleboard Button Hot Glue / Gun for Inserting Antique Frame (or similar) Particleboard Frame

Step 1. Hair

Start by cutting a hole about 1/2 inch larger than the board on each side. Apply some glue around the edges and fold the opening. Repeat for all four sides.

Step 1. Drill. Start by cutting off each side edge about 1/2 inch longer than the board. Apply some glue around the edges and fold the opening. Repeat for all four sides.

Cut the corners - glue with hot glue so they don't peel off.

Cut the corners - glue with hot glue so they don't peel off.

Place the hollow board inside the frame.

Place the hollow board inside the frame.

Step 2: Button base

Now everything is ready to be filled with studs. I chose silver, gold and shiny metal buttons. But be creative. Random mix of rainbow colors and shades of old granny buttons. Lots of interesting ideas.

Step 2: Now we are ready to fill the buttons. I chose silver, gold and shiny metal buttons.

Attach some common studs with hot glue first to flatten things out a bit. It is a warm adhesive in the shape of a heart. If you need instructions, go to হৃদ Draw a heart on a hole with an open pencil.

But first put some simple buttons with hot glue.

I use the buttons on an old military uniform ... the color is great, matches the drill.

In the military, the husband kept all the buttons on old, used and broken uniforms. Bring home a jar full of these shiny buttons, better than a bouquet of flowers. I keep them in my heart because I have so many of them they are so annoying ...

But I also understand that this is how my heart, my foundation, my love ... works.

Step 3. Beautiful buttons

Now fill in the blanks with more beautiful buttons. Just add some hot glue to the button and stick it in place.

Fill in the big and small buttons to get a round heart.

Keep adding buttons until the original buttons appear.

Step 4 Color Buttons

So just add some shades for fun. I made two pink buttons.


Now it's ready to turn off the phone, support screen at home. I am in my heart} this sweet, delicious luxury product.

It makes a fun gift!

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How to make a heart frame with vintage buttons. Learn how to make a vintage button heart frame. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Pick something up from home or do some shopping for embroidery. This is a great handmade gift, the perfect Valentine's Day or New Year's decoration that can be made as a craft for children.

See also the art of this button.

Christmas decoration with buttons.

Good craftsman!

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