Healthy 4 Ingredient Peanut Butter Bars

4 healthy ingredients without peanut butter.

It’s the best peanut butter bar. A bar of peanut butter was a dream come true for this delicious school lunch. These healthy 4-component peanut butter bars are an option that only requires 4 basic flour-free ingredients so they can be easily made in a gluten-free oven.

Let’s show them healthy behaviors so that these health goals are in the right direction.

I like peanut butter. This is what I want to do on a regular basis. I love these peanut butter bars because they are made with healthy ingredients. They’re still high in calories, but they’re good, perfect for a hot, healthy dessert in the evening.

They are very complete and happy. A single piece looks like a homemade protein bar that perfectly accepts sweets and stretches the stomach.

You can replace peanut butter with any other almond oil. Oatmeal can be replaced with gluten-free.

I worked a healthy lifestyle in 2021 and lost 50 pounds (less).

I did it by working hard, eating well, following 3 rules.

  • Do not eat from 18:00.
  • Drink only water (no other drinks)
  • Exclude common carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, etc.)
But I didn’t give up my favorite food. I ate a feast every day. The right amount.

This peanut butter bar was the perfect sweet. I lost 50 pounds in 10 months, which was a very healthy (but sometimes disappointingly slow) period.

I am very happy with how healthy and strong I feel. I have never been so strong in my life. I love!

Mix the ingredients և press into the baking dish. Melt the shirt and spread it out in the tent. Then cover and refrigerate for a few hours until the chocolate coating hardens.

Then cut into pieces, eat one at a time, or serve to family guests.

Healthy recipe with 4 ingredients baked peanut butter bars.

1.5 cups peanut butter
1 cup oatmeal
1/3 cup honey
1/2 cup small chocolate chip

Stir and press into an 8x8 baking dish.

Then melt 1 cup chocolate chip with 2 g / g peanut butter to cause a bad frostbite. Align.

Cover the pan and place in the fridge for a few hours. Then cut into 16 pieces and enjoy.

1 serving (1/16) is 280 calories (23.9 g carbohydrates, 19.8 g fat, 7.6 g protein)

The end!

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