DIY Resin Monogram Necklace with Vinyl

DIY Resin Monogram Necklace with Vinyl Create an expensive Monogram necklace in minutes. The perfect handmade gift for your lover. This necklace is easy to make and is a great project if you are new to asphalt. Asphalt Addict - You Love It!

DIY glue monogram necklace with vinyl

Make an expensive monogram necklace in minutes. The perfect handmade gift for your lover. This necklace is easy to make and is a great project if you are new to asphalt. Asphalt Addict - You Love It!

If you haven't tried asphalt yet, this is the perfect project to get started. The glue consists of 2 parts, which, when mixed, form a chemical reaction to strengthen it. It is a glass, shiny, smooth and solid crystal layer.

The glue may turn yellow over time, so it is best to use it in a dark or at least non-white spot. Over time, all the adhesives turn yellow, this brand is no different. Precautions only when working with him. Gives a beautiful glossy finish!

DIY Resin Monogram Necklace with Vinyl Create an expensive Monogram necklace in minutes. The perfect handmade gift for your lover. This necklace is easy to make and is a great project if you are new to asphalt. Asphalt Addict - You Love It!

I chose "H" for my child, which letter do you prefer?

Find the font that you are looking for. I like good font, you can use a permanent marker and write it yourself, or use vinyl and cut with an electronic cutting machine.

I have a choice

Materials for the Resin Monogram Necklace

Drawing paper
Scissors or round punch

Stop or print mode
Black vinyl / transfer tape

Resin Monogram Necklace Necessary Supply of sticker paper scissors or jewelry Bezel round punch by ETE Resin Jewelry Chain Cricket Maker Break Mod or black vinyl packing / transfer tape

Step 1 ፡ Creec vinyl

Using scissors or awl, cut out the paper in the frame.

Step 1: Using scissors or vinyl cricket punch, cut out the paper inside the frame.

Then use Cricut Maker to cut the vinyl into approximately 3/4 inch tall frame.

Use Cricut Maker to cut the vinyl into your hanging frame, approximately 3/4

Then place the transfer tape on the vinyl and transfer the monogram to the album paper.

Use transfer tape to get a vinyl monogram.

Step 2 ፡ Pause Mode

Then draw a pause mode in the frame.

Step 2: Mod break and then draw the mod break in the frame.

Put the paper in the album, then draw the mod breaks on the paper as well. Allow to dry completely.

Put the paper in the album, then draw the mod breaks on the paper as well. Allow to dry completely.

Step 3: Glue jewelry

Now read the instructions for jewelry glue. It is important to make sure you know the latest instructions before applying the glue. It is time consuming and if not mixed properly it will not save properly and your project will fail.
OK, read the instructions.

Step 3 ፡ Reese Resin Jewelry Now read the Ashtray instructions. It is important to make sure you know the latest instructions before applying the glue. It is time consuming and if not mixed properly it will not save properly and your project will fail. OK, read the instructions.

This frame does not require much glue, but mix 1 part glue with 1 part reinforcement and mix for 2 minutes. Transfer to a second cup and stir for another minute. The combination of this 2-step process is necessary to treat strong adhesives.

Move carefully to prevent further bubbles from forming.

This frame does not require much glue, but mix 1 part glue with 1 part reinforcement and mix for 2 minutes. Transfer to a second cup and stir for another minute. The combination of this 2-step process is necessary to treat strong adhesives. Move carefully to prevent further bubbles from forming.

Place the cover on a high place, then fill the inside with glue. Let sit for 5-10 minutes, then use a flashlight or gun to open the resulting bubbles. Leave it on and let it harden overnight.

Place the cover on a high place, then fill the inside with glue. Let sit for 5-10 minutes, then use a flashlight or gun to open the resulting bubbles. Leave it on and let it harden overnight.

Step 4 ፡ Add the ute channel

Use a pliers to attach the chain to the edge.

Step 4: Add the chain Use the pliers to attach the chain to the frame.

She is there! Get ready to wear this necklace or as a gift!
I don't wear much jewelry, but I do like necklaces. I love beautiful pieces, I love glitter and I also love beautiful handmade pieces!

This beginner necklace is easy to make and takes a while to dry ... but it is a delicious and beautiful handmade gift.

She is there! Get ready to wear this necklace or as a gift! I don't wear much jewelry, but I do like necklaces. I love beautiful pieces, I love glitter and I also love beautiful handmade pieces! This beginner necklace is easy to make and takes a while to dry ... but it is a delicious and beautiful handmade gift.

Amazing and easy! This is a beautiful necklace that makes a lot of money for the person who made it. Easter baskets are perfect for surprise or for Mother's Day!

Amazing and easy! This is a beautiful necklace that makes a lot of money for the person who made it. Easter baskets are perfect for surprise or for Mother's Day!

She is there! Enjoy this personalized monogram necklace. Great for trying handmade gifts, Easter accessories or asphalt. You will love it!

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DIY Resin Monogram Necklace with Vinyl Create an expensive Monogram necklace in minutes. The perfect handmade gift for your lover. This necklace is easy to make and is a great project if you are new to asphalt. Asphalt Addict - You Love It!

Also check out these other fun glue crafts!

Resin Craft ideas: 45 cool things to make with resin. Create high gloss resin art, sculpture, pendants and jewelry, resin pours and other creative resin crafts.

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