Doll Review: Middle School Moguls Izzy

hello everyone! How are you? The new semester is coming sooner than I expected and I still do not have much of what I planned for a short break! I spent a lot of time recording and editing videos, so lately I have not been much of a puppet critic. I have some new background photos from September (!) And I have not used them for pop photos yet. I also want to review Wonder Woman before I return to class but I do not know if I have time. Maybe I should calm down and remember it's fun, not work, but I write with difficulty during the course, and then I feel I have to "fool myself".

Today I saw the third Mongolian doll Eisen in high school. I've already reviewed Sunny and Sunny in previous posts so you can see if you're interested. I know some of you are not interested in these dolls, but since the company sent me three more dolls for free, it was difficult if I did not pass them all. So let's get started!

The Izizi box has the same design as the other high school Mongols. There's a doll on the right and a book on the left.

Behind the garage we can learn more about Izzi. The team is a digital, social and interactive Diva. He also likes to create his own patients and can make everything viral.

Eventually the doll came out of the box.

All high school Mongols have the same head shape and side eyes. Ezi does not focus on prototype, but I think it is for good. Her eyes are pink and her lips are hot pink. Her softness stands out more than any other doll.

Her hair is long, wavy and purple. At one point in the making of dolls, fans were asked whether they would prefer brown hair with purple or all shades of wine. I voted for the previous election because sometimes purple hair looks cheap and dolls look like wigs. Her purple hair won and I was not very happy but when I opened Eisen her hair was smooth and very straight. For some reason, the part of the hair that is exposed to cold light is blue and the part closest to the warm part is purple.

I hold the view of my guest in my hand

Also wear this black and gray hat on your head. The hat is very swollen and filled with paper. I think the hat can use some bright color details.

The dress is my favorite part and it is very frustrating. He is wearing an electric blue shirt with a beard and glasses. It looks like a bag wrapped around a drawstring.

He also wears black and white trousers with a Welsh pattern. I love leggings, but I did not make the pants or scarf that appeared on the dollhouse and I think something was missing from her clothes.

Her shoes are the same as the other two girls, but instead they are painted in simple pink and white.

It also comes with these black rimmed glasses decorated with a blue bow. This is my favorite toy. Are they not delicious?

Consequently, I have mixed feelings for Izzi. I did not like it when he came to see the new doll, but when he opened it and started taking pictures I was very happy and I liked it even more.

My biggest concern is clothes. It lacks some details and does not look nice and updated. I think they wanted to give the doll a hipster look, but I did not succeed with the new doll. Although you can not add all the details in the picture, you can add a colorful tulle dress or something.

Overall, I like the high school Mongolian line, but there are a few things that can be improved here and there. It should also be noted that this is the first time the company has developed a pop line, so there may be some disadvantages. Anyway, at least I did not go down without explaining myself first.

What do you think of Izi? Do you like high school dolls?


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