Doll Review: BMR 1959 redhead boy

Hello and welcome to my blog. Today we do the first Puppet Review of 2021. There were times I went back to Puppet Reviews, but those days are over. Not only did I not buy as many toys as before, but I also felt bored and satisfied. No kidding, but while I still enjoy reading pop reviews here and there, I could not find any blogs that are only interested in pop reviews.

Although I have not done as many pop reviews as before, it is important to take the time to do so, because every now and then this doll comes back because it is very special or I know I have something to say. About him. And with two more reviews of BMR 1959 , I have something to say.

BMR 1959 Redhead Ken Review

Unlike the previous two BMR dolls, I did not buy this one myself, I donated it to the monster. I do not know how much he paid for it, but it may not be that close to the original retail price ($ 30 or € 30), as this particular toy apparently does not sell on Amazon . Is it worth it? Let’s face it, most companies do not care about advertising.

Like the other two toys, this shoebox comes in a box designed for a dollhouse. These boxes are perfect if you want to pack two street photography toys.

The doll comes with this custom tissue paper which I think is a beautiful piece.

Within minutes of removing the plastic straps, our man was finally free.

He has light skin, red hair and a beautiful face. It uses a new sculpture called "Tate" as we will call it from now on. Interestingly, Carly Nuer, the creator of these dolls, called this sculpture "tet" because it was her middle name. Unfortunately, Tate suffers from pixel face syndrome, which has become very common in Mattel dolls lately. What became of the collectible dolls ...

As with any other line, I do not like the accompanying clothes. He wears a black and white hat, a fashionable bag and bright yellow pants to match his room.

The navel is really nice compared to the other two dolls I reviewed. The design is really good, but the torso is very short and the sleeves are very long.

I noticed that his stomach was sutured with a pair of pants, which prevented his stomach from opening when he raised his hands.

But what happens if you criticize your pants and your stomach?

The pants should be the most disgusting part of the outfit. For some reason, he was wearing bright yellow pants that were buttoned open at the side. When Mr. Monster first saw his pants, he thought they were torn.

Do you know what these pants make me think of? Late 90s: In the early 2000s, some boys at my school wore pants that were tight and sometimes open at the sides. I do not know if this is a trend somewhere.

I do not like shoes. The front looks like regular sneakers while the back looks like Crocs . I was curious to see if these shoes are genuine, and they are. Just look for Nike Air Force 1 VTF .

One thing I noticed from Fanny's packaging is that the link is very long. I understand they designed it to attach to different parts of the body, but from the photos it is difficult to hide.

He came without a doll and happily with a blue visa.

Well, to start the summary of this review, here are my thoughts. I like the doll a lot, it's the one I've been looking for a long time, from Mattel, a male doll with slight features, thick hair and a very cartoonish face. I do not like the pixelated facial expressions that Mattel uses these days, especially when it comes to collectibles. But it does not look so scary on camera.

Fashion is not for me. I do not understand this style and I do not like the general beauty of this line, although some parts are good. The fabric felt better than the other two. I did not buy Ken's fashion sets because until recently I had no male dolls, so the only outfit I have is one I borrowed from fashion expert Ken.

I still do not think these dolls are worth $ 30. They do not really look to me like collectibles, they look like some "luxury fashionista". Even if they come with a popstop and a complete set of information, I think they should offer an extra $ 30. Rainbow High dolls come with a doll stand, additional clothing, and for the same price (about $ 28 I think). Offer more for the same price on paper. For this price, these dolls can be provided with additional clothing.

But despite all the bad stuff, I had no major issues with renting this doll in this doll. I do not know, maybe because I knew the edge of the Pixel, my expectations were low. The last few days I have been looking for photos several times, it is very photographic. Overall, I am finally glad that such a male doll has appeared in my collection, but I think the quality of this doll is not worth the price. I recommend you buy it anyway when it's for sale.

Sometimes I do not understand what Mattel wants to do with the Barbie line. You have the ability, experience and budget to do a lot, but often feel that you have less time. It took 4 years before the first body came out in 2016, something collectors have been looking for for a long time. Long ago there was a twisted MTM doll on the blue moon and it was hard to find. Sometimes we seem to eat crumbs and we have to thank him. Do not get me wrong, they get a few things right (wheelchair dolls can be an example), but when they do, they seem to take a step back and expect new fans.

There's a third line of BMR 1959 that should arrive later in 2021, but to be honest, I'm not very happy with that. Anyway, I'm more interested in the next line of curved pop sets. I have solid toys that can be good for the body if the price does not rise. Who knows? Maybe 2021 will be the year that Mattel finally starts listening to his fans.

If you're here, thank you for reading my review. Sorry it's a little scary to the end, but that's how I feel about Mattel lately. I would love to hear about this puppet and especially your comments on the internet. will you find it

My next article will appear in early March. I tried to post a photo every day in February, so maybe one more photo. It gives me time to work on another craft station because these are the ones that take up the most time for me. We can therefore expect a craft project again in mid-March.

So what do you think of this guy? What do you want to see from Mattel?

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