Coral wainscot for spring diorama

Spring has come a few weeks ago and the new season needs a new color backdrop. If you've been following my blog for a while, you're probably aware of my Mix and Match series where I can create spare parts to use as backgrounds for your doll photos. I recently made a dark gray zip to match my colorful walls, but today I wanted to make a color version, so I used it for spring and summer photos.

Cover Photo: Kristen in front of a beige wall with coral wainscot

I went into great detail on how to play roles in the original New Winscoth design post , so I didn't go into too much detail in this post. However, I have changed some of the dimensions, which I will explain later, to choose the size that suits you best.

I would also like to mention that I recently got a new desktop, so everything may look a little different than usual.

The requirements are the same as the last one, especially the last one

  • Cardboard/Grey Card Binding.
  • Sharp cutter (with fresh blade).
  • glue and white glue.
  • First step. I personally like to use gesso.
  • Handmade paints and brushes.
  • wheat box.

I started cutting all the pieces but I cut both and finished after making the last cap. At this point, our main unit is 17 cm (6.69 inches) instead of 16 cm (6.3 inches). We also have a 2 cm (0.79 inch) piece that you can use as a finish.

Binding cardboard pieces to build the wainscot

So now all I have to do is make the cut to be on top. I made it 1.6 cm (6.30 inches) because I thought it would look even bigger at the bottom. I cut it as usual.

Cutting binding cardboard

Drain and dry the cut foam on both sides with a fork. We must have that.

All pieces cut and primed

Glue the parts with white glue. I usually use white glue, which you can find at a hardware store, I've had better results than a stationery store. He! I wanted to create a bit more control over the colors, but as you can see I came a long way.

Draw some lines in the grit box to create a straight bar. I made mine 1.3 cm (5.12 inches). Cut them out.

Before you attach anything I want to plan the position of the edge and the spacing. I decided to throw 12 cm (4.72 inches) between the two. It gives me an idea of ​​what that looks like. Maybe I should tidy up my workspace better before I take any photos.

Planning out the distance between the slats

Measure the distance between the top and bottom edges and wait for the pieces to fit together. I recommend that you measure exactly where you post just to make a slight difference from one piece to another.


For larger sizes, you can glue two or more pieces together. I'd rather just post two.

Using a glue stick

With all of the edges done, it's now time to glue them in place. Take your time in this room. I glued the first 5 cm (1.97 inches) from the top, leaving 12 cm in the middle.

Gluing the slats

Once everything is glued together it's time to paint. I chose the color Coral Blush made of American and acrylic. This is the same paintI used for KJ a while back .

Painting the wainscot with coral blush

For comparison, I took this photo with a gray coral curtain so you can tell the difference between the two.

Comparison between the two wainscots

Now it's time to take pictures of the doll. As I mentioned before, I have a new spreadsheet with this panel. It's actually a desk, the panels are for hanging gadgets, but now I find I didn't destroy my walls by attaching doll accessories.

Sticking diorama to a working bench. Before sticking the wainscot.

First I laid out the floor partitions and then glued the wall part to the wallpaper. Then stick the roll on the wall and stick it on the wall.

Diorama sticked to a working bench

Let's see how this dress looks on camera, which is also the main goal. I merge them with the only "neutral" wall I've ever encountered. This is a picture with Kim.

Kim leaning towards a beige wall with a coral wainscot

It looks a lot easier on camera than in real life, but I'm not upset about that.

Kim in a beige and coral diorama scene

I also wanted to try to find something more colorful. I chose my sea glass wall which is a nice color, I think it works.

Barbie Vitiligo in front of a green wall with a coral wainscot

It looks very gray to the camera, but it's really a soft green with gray. So I'm not sure what color combo I'm feeling.

Kristen in front of a green wall with a coral wainscot

Overall I am very happy with this cover. The colors are fun: nice, but probably not for your everyday look. My scenes still seem "empty" so I seem to need more resources, but I'm getting closer to each project. I work at a very slow pace, I haven't had much motivation lately. I have a general list of projects and ideas, but I'm not sure how to prioritize them.

Kristen sitting on the floor in front of the coral wainscot

I don't know what to do in my next article. I'm trying to mix and match different types of posts so people don't get bored, but I don't know what to do next. I started another comment but didn't know if I wanted to end it or write another blank one.

We are personally safe. With lipstick, naturopathy, I have to take care to expose my pimples to direct radiation for 10 minutes every day. I also have severe neck pain but I went to a physical therapist and he gave me some exercises that I can do every day so no one else gets hurt. But other than that, we're fine, stay healthy.

Tell me what you would like to see next and what you think of this project. I hope you are all doing well, until the next post.

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