Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

Recycled paper frame!

This frame is visually stunning with lots of textures and vibrant colors! But... the danger grows. It was the most boring and time consuming project I have ever done for my kids. It looks colorful and amazing... but it was the most boring project I've ever seen! Be careful and be careful!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

That's how it started. I had been planning this art for a while and my husband was out of town so it was a good time to grow. My 12 year old son asked, "Mom, can I play the devil?" And I said, "Yeah, but help me with this project first."

Popular last words.

Plus I persuaded my 10 year old daughter to play... so the whole smart family worked together. A 5 year old boy who goes in and out and plays with his heart. (Fortunately) We started this adventure at 16 ፡ 02 02 02 ... ... Abstain from dinner completely! Don't worry, we made friends with Marshmallow at 9 p.m. (I won't make any more notes)

But we've been through it all.

Island Prince Barbie Brave Frozen and Ralph are part of the plot. for:

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY
It's a great way to reuse old magazines, paperwork or trash your kids bring home from school! We added astrobiters paper for vibrant colors.

You will need: (Shared links)

(Upgrade to an existing one or take it to a craft store. Think about my advice!)
(Scissors can be used...but that makes the project more difficult)
 (Glue can be used...but it will be worse for this project)
  • Cooling tool or toothpaste.
 (Only one thing to roll the paper)
  • Frame paint / spray paint
  • The weather... too. And movies in the background... or an audio book!

Let's get started...that's right...how I persuaded you to make your own! hahaha Start cutting the paper into half inch inches.

Cut out astrobic magazines and newspapers!

Now fold all these pieces in half. Not happy?

We used quilting tools to start rolling, then moved on to finger rollers.

Magazine straps and paper straps are interchangeable. Use a gun to attach the extra pieces...and finally, when you're happy with the size, tie the lanyard to your head.

And again and again!

At this point...the turning point...maybe an hour into the process...we thought we could do it! They looked amazing and we cheered them on! 8 We made them and they look great! Go ahead and make them different sizes.

Then I put them on a spray painted frame... Op. It will take forever to fill this sausage!

Do not pull ! Bringing a family together can be fun! Anyone can sit, turn and talk...many hands make it easy!

She was tired of rolling heavy loads, so she switched to bending parts...which made it easier for me to use the tape already wrapped...to make the system as efficient as possible.

Half-way ! Another movie!

While we were working, I decided to copy them... The tape on these articles will be released!

It has also allowed us to make incredible progress! Maybe stop screaming now!

Last time we made small loaves of bread to fill in the gaps. But we wanted to show Turquoise and we were still bored!

Isn't it amazing?! The time has come...isn't it? !!

I really like the frame! I still don't know what to put in it... What can we pay for all this time? Maybe a wedding photo? Maybe a diamond!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY
Great. And the children are proud of their success! It was like an artistic marathon!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY
Maybe my daughter should have painted and decorated this frame for Mother's Day!

When the job is done!

Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

So what do you think????? It was worth it! ???? Have you tried this????

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Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame DIY Craft using colored paper and magazines, tedious DIY

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