How to Make Color Shift Watercolors Tutorial

How to make a watercolor that changes color. Find out how to make a homemade watercolor. The color changing watercolors look great. They can be expensive և hard to get...I know I've tried. I decided what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right. It's hard to find a good DIY watercolor tutorial, so this tutorial is my giveaway. This tutorial covers all the tips, tricks, materials, and processes needed to create your own watercolor. Stay tuned for more information on watercolor at the end of this article.

How to make a watercolor that changes color.

Find out how to make a homemade watercolor. The color changing watercolors look great. They can be expensive և hard to get...I know I've tried.

I decided what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right. It's hard to find a good DIY watercolor tutorial, so this tutorial is my giveaway. This tutorial covers all the tips, tricks, materials, and processes needed to create your own watercolor.

Find out how to make a homemade watercolor. The color changing watercolors look great.

Alright, let me be honest.

Making a homemade watercolor is a PROCESS. That's not what I want to do with my business.
I sold a bunch of it on vacation to cover expenses, but I'm not going to sell it anymore.

Alright, let me be honest. Making a homemade watercolor is a PROCESS. That's not what I want to do with my business. However, I have a few watercolors for sale in my Etsy store. Get them for the holidays now. I have a beautiful palette of 4 semi-finished products if you want to try the perfect watercolor coloring. The colors are bright - it's fun to draw with the letters or manipulate them.

Colors that change color look different on white paper than on paper. The white paper gives a slight pastel shine effect. Perfect for adding the prettiest shine to the layering of other designs.

Watercolors transfer to the more active metallic finish on SA surfaces. By moving the paper under the light, the colors change and dance. All the colors I do are my favorites. I called everyone և I love drawing with them.

Colors that change color look different on white paper than on paper. The white paper gives a slight pastel shine effect. Perfect for adding the prettiest shine to the layering of other designs. Watercolors transfer to the more active metallic finish on SA surfaces. By moving the paper under the light, the colors change and dance. All the colors I do are my favorites. I called everyone և I love drawing with them.

Necessary watercolor accessories to change the color of the house.

spatula / spatula


Buy a set of Color Shift watercolors.

He was left alone.

Home Watercolor Painting Accessories: Arabic Chewing Gum Color Changing Pigment Powder Glass Cutting Board Watercolor Semi-finished Metal Tin Magnet Hanging Glasmuller Spatula/Spatula Honey Grain Oil Water

The accessories necessary for the realization of your homemade watercolor are added. It's a rabbit hole full of options...especially if you buy a liter can of gum arabic, which is a cheaper option.

You can start your own watercolor business. Certainly not, but I like to combine it with some sales.

The accessories necessary for the realization of your homemade watercolor are added. It's a rabbit hole full of options...especially if you buy a liter can of gum arabic, which is a cheaper option. You can start your own watercolor business. Certainly not, but I like to combine it with some sales.

Step 1. Watercolor Base

Start preparing the watercolor base. Fill the measuring cup with 1 glass of water... not hot, but hot. Gradually stir in 1/2 cup gum arabic. Stir slowly to combine the balls. Stir until all parts are combined. (It can go through the veil if it's still tangled, but I haven't had a problem with the batteries)

Then add 1/5 cup of honey, mixing gently. Add 6 drops of nail oil as a preservative to give it a wonderful scent.

Step 1. Watercolor Base Start preparing the watercolor base. Fill the meter with 2 golden glasses...not hot, but hot. Gradually stir in 1 cup of gum arabic. Stir slowly to combine the balls. Mix until all parts are combined. (It can be carried around with a cloth if it's still shaped like a ball, but I have no problem with balls.) Then add 1/5 cup honey until smooth. Add 6 drops of nail oil as a preservative to give it a wonderful scent.

The watercolor base is now ready. If not used immediately, you can store it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

The watercolor base is now ready. If not used immediately, you can store it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Step 2. Mix the watercolor

Set up your workplace now. You need a large glass cutting board. I only do a dollop of pigment at a time, so I use the glass cutting boards in the accessories list. If you want to make it huge, you will need a lot more space.

Step 2. Mixing watercolors Now set up your workplace. You need a large glass cutting board. I only do a dollop of pigment at a time, so I use the glass cutting boards in the accessories list. If you want to make it huge, you will need a lot more space.

Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of powdered pigment on the cutting board. Do you see how purple is in golden tones? This is the magic of color change.

Fill 4 cups with this number for the first mix.

Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of powdered pigment on the cutting board. Do you see how purple is in golden tones? This is the magic of color change. Fill 4 cups with this number for the first mix.

Then pour in a tablespoon of watercolor base pigment, such as mashed potatoes.

Then pour in a tablespoon of watercolor base pigment, such as mashed potatoes.

Then use a putty knife/spatula to gently blend the pigment onto the base. You will see that there are small bits of powder in the mixture. I used this straw squeegee from the dollar store, it was half torn. You need one metal for this amount mixed.

After mixing you will probably need to add some more watercolor base. The consistency should be like warm honey, flowing thick but free.

Then use a putty knife/spatula to gently blend the pigment onto the base. You will see that there are small bits of powder in the mixture. I used this straw squeegee from the dollar store, it was half torn. You need one metal for this amount mixed. After mixing you will probably need to add some more watercolor base. The consistency should be like warm honey, flowing thick but free.

This is where Mueller comes in. I use flat bottom check out the perfect little glass that works just as well as your local thrift store.

Press the mules around the watercolor mixture to blend. The glass of the glass allows the powder to explode at the base without bubbles in the paint.

This is where Mueller comes in. I use flat bottom check out the perfect little glass that works just as well as your local thrift store. Press the mules around the watercolor mixture to blend. The glass of the glass allows the powder to explode at the base without bubbles in the paint.

Now take the mixed watercolor with a spatula and fill it into plastic containers. Then let it dry for a few weeks.

Now take the mixed watercolor with a spatula and fill it into plastic containers. Then let it dry for a few weeks.

When they dry, the water evaporates, leaving a concentrated watercolor. But right now it fills about half the bowl. This is where the long process comes in.

Now let's repeat the mix and set the core aside. The filling process will probably take 3-4 steps to maintain a good height in the pan. Mine isn't perfect...there are air bubbles here and there.

When they dry, the water evaporates, leaving a concentrated watercolor. But right now it fills about half the bowl. This is where the long process comes in. Now let's repeat the mix and set the core aside. The filling process will probably take 3-4 steps to maintain a good height in the pan. Mine isn't perfect...there are air bubbles here and there.

After the watercolor is dry, you can add a drop or two of water to start painting, writing, calligraphy, watercolor or highlighting.

After the watercolor is dry, you can add a drop or two of water to start painting, writing, calligraphy, watercolor or highlighting.

I like the sparkle of the metal band. Which color combination do you prefer?

Personally, I nominate everyone because I like doing it.
Starting from the top row, left to right.
Ocean, Ice Crystal, Hibiscus, Caribbean, Orchid, Pearl, Coral, Lucky Dragon, Pink, Mermaid, Lilac, Pegasus, Gold, Pond, Sea Witch, Copper, Pearl և Orchid... yes, more orchids at the end. pearl than the other colors.
I made 6 other colors, you can see them here and there in my sales.

I like the sparkle of the metal band. Which color combination do you prefer? Personally, I nominate everyone because I like doing it. From top to bottom: ocean, ice crystal, hibiscus, caribbean, orchid, pearl, coral, lucky dragon, rose, mermaid, lilac, pegasus, gold, pewter, sea urchin, copper, pearl, orchid. Yes, in the end there were more orchids and pearls than other colors. I made 6 other colors, you can see them here and there in my sales.

And so the 21 colors are seen together on white paper. My favorite color is undoubtedly the Caribbean.
Some colors have a beautiful golden hue.

And so the 21 colors are seen together on white paper. My favorite color is undoubtedly the Caribbean. Some colors have a beautiful golden hue.

Step 3. Packaging

Once the colors are dry, they can be placed on the bottom of the pan with a magnetic layer. This prevents the bobbins from moving.

If necessary, wrap the watercolors in gift paper.

Step 3. Packing Once the colors are dry, they can be magnetically attached to the bottom of the mould. This prevents the bobbins from moving. If necessary, wrap the watercolors in gift paper.

Now they can be given away, sold or simply enjoyed.

It's a great achievement when I can create my own watercolor. It was a lot of time, patience, waiting, spending... but it was fun. Think you can try making your own watercolor?

Now they can be given away, sold or simply enjoyed. It's a great achievement when I can create my own watercolor. It was a lot of time, patience, waiting, spending... but it was fun. Think you can try making your own watercolor?

I like the difference between using white or paper. The pigments only shine on the paper.

I like the difference between using white or paper. The pigments only shine on the paper.

Here is the basic watercolor recipe scam page.

Begin by making the watercolor base. Fill a measuring cup with 2 cups of water...not hot, but warm. Gradually stir in 1 cup of Gum Arabic. Whisk it gently to mix in the clumps. Stir until the clumps are all mixed in. (Can strain through a cheesecloth if it's still lumpy, but I had no problem with clumps) Then add 1/5 cup of honey and stir in until smooth. Add 6 drops of clove oil as a preservative and gives it a great scent!

For example, attach to share.

How to make a watercolor that changes color. Find out how to make a homemade watercolor. The color changing watercolors look great. They can be expensive և hard to get...I know I've tried. I decided what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right. It's hard to find a good DIY watercolor tutorial, so this tutorial is my giveaway. This tutorial covers all the tips, tricks, materials, and processes needed to create your own watercolor.

At first glance, this seems an unattractive combination ... but look at the colors of the white paper. The color of the copper metal, pearl color, is perfect for the sparkle of the snow, shifted gold և blue.

And now a watercolor tin gift. At first glance, this seems an unattractive combination ... but look at the colors of the white paper. The color of the copper metal, pearl color, is perfect for the sparkle of the snow, shifted gold և blue.


Take part in the lottery և win the Bliss watercolor collection. (cost $24.99)

This collection includes:

Orchid (transition from purple to violet)
Hibiscus (blue-purple change)
metallic bead
copper metal

Enter the raffle և Win the Bliss Watercolor Collection. This set includes orchid (purple gold) hibiscus (purple blue) pearl metallic copper metallic

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